InBootcampbyNurkhon AkhmedovTop UX portfolios that landed jobs at industry giants — Examples, Why we need it, What it consists…Discover the key elements and best practices from exceptional UX portfolios that secured positions at leading companiesApr 23, 20236Apr 23, 20236
InUX PlanetbyUXGOHow I went from unemployed to a self-made UXR @ Google & Disney with no UX education.UX Researchers are one of the most in-demand and thought-after jobs for students & UX enthusiasts in 2023. However, there continues to be a…Oct 24, 202210Oct 24, 202210
InBootcampbyJon SimmonsJoining a company as a designer is a high-wire act. Here’s a 7-step checklist so you don’t fall.In the excitement of a new role, we shouldn’t forget that we’re attempting to join a rocket ship mid-flight — the physics alone should…Sep 22, 20221Sep 22, 20221
InBackpack AcademybyMatthew ReiswigWe’re cursing young UX designers with Senior titlesHow an insatiable desire for senior talent has stunted the careers of a whole era of designersOct 21, 202210Oct 21, 202210
InBootcampbyJon SimmonsTeaching will supercharge your design career — just not how you thinkWhen I started teaching, I thought the main benefit would be to master the fundamentals of UX design. How wrong I was. But don’t worry…Sep 17, 2022Sep 17, 2022
InUX PlanetbyJeremy BirdVital UX skills that few designers have, and how to develop themRecently, I have been asked over and over again by budding young designers which skills I look for in UX candidates but that I have a hard…Nov 26, 201846Nov 26, 201846
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InBootcampbyEmilie MazurekCoffee chat with a Senior UX DesignerAnswering the 10 most popular questions I get asked in coffee chats to help junior UX Designers break into tech.Jan 10, 2023Jan 10, 2023
Andrea PachecoWhat I Learned as a Product Designer at AppleIn 2021 I landed my dream job. Working at Apple, the holy grail of minimalistic design, innovation and creativity. A place where misfits…Dec 30, 2022219Dec 30, 2022219
InUX PlanetbyChris LeeHow the senior designers I trained at Apple & Meta developed faster than others5 things they did more than everyone elseJan 20, 202317Jan 20, 202317
InUX PlanetbyChris LeeThe best UX designers constantly do this to level up faster than their peersIronically, it comes from studying them!Mar 22, 20239Mar 22, 20239
InThe You Design SystembyMike CurtisYou, the Experience — Your Personal UX Maturity Level and Why It MattersApply UX maturity mindset to yourself to improve how you’re experienced by others.May 1, 20231May 1, 20231
InThe You Design SystembyMike CurtisStop focusing only on your lack of UX experience — the key solution is to gain UX wisdom.“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” — Albert EinsteinOct 13, 2022Oct 13, 2022
InUX CollectivebyCraig McLachlanWhat a 52-year-old watch can teach us about UX and Digital Product DesignA look at cutting-edge watch design of the 1970s and the lessons we can learn and apply to UX and digital product design today.Sep 30, 20221Sep 30, 20221
InZalando DesignbyZalando Product DesignTransformative moments that propelled my product design careerPrincipal Product Designer Joydeep Sengupta shares some influential learnings that made him a go-to team member.Aug 26, 20221Aug 26, 20221
InUX CollectivebyAaron JamesA guide to becoming a senior product designerLearn how career ladders work and how to use a career plan to climb the ladderJan 8, 202230Jan 8, 202230
InThe You Design SystembyMike CurtisIf you want to see meaningful progress in your UX career, focus on these 4 foundational areasMeaningful change happens from the inside, out.Jan 17, 20223Jan 17, 20223
InStruckbyJess ViceTo Be Good at UX, Study More than UXThis is a list of subjects and courses plus practical ideas I wish I’d had 10 years ago to help strengthen my UX expertise.Oct 26, 20211Oct 26, 20211
InBootcampbySakky BWant to become a world-class Designer? Start organizing your NotionI will run down exactly how I organize my Notion for every product I work on. This has been refined over 10 products/companies, 18 months…Oct 4, 20227Oct 4, 20227